Photo and Video Services

Photo and Video Services

Linda Nari 10hours 2 photographers 3500more taxes weekdays
Babajaga 9hours 2 photgraphers 2500taxes included
Arianna Boriello 10hours 1 photographer 2800 taxes included
Leonardo Giannini 10hours 2 photographers 2440 taxes included
Letizia Vestrucci 12 hours 2 photographer 2000 taxes included
FPS 2 videographer and drone 2900 taxes included
MARIO ALBANESE 2 videographer and drone 2850 taxes included
MARTINA RAFANELLI 2 videographer and drone 2000taxes included
Linda Nari 10hours 2 photographers 3500more taxes weekdays
Babajaga 9hours 2 photgraphers 2500taxes included
Arianna Boriello 10hours 1 photographer 2800 taxes included
Leonardo Giannini 10hours 2 photographers 2440 taxes included
Letizia Vestrucci 12 hours 2 photographer 2000 taxes included
FPS 2 videographer and drone 2900 taxes included
MARIO ALBANESE 2 videographer and drone 2850 taxes included
MARTINA RAFANELLI 2 videographer and drone 2000taxes included